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Ancients of the Deep:
Red Hill

Taxa shown: Hyneria lindea, Turriaspis strudensis, Bothreolepis spp.  
Time period: Late Devonian

Formation: Catskill Formation
Location: Red Hill, Pennsylvania


At the actual Red Hill tetrapod localities where Turriaspis and Hynria are found, you don't actually find Bothreolepis specimens. You do find Botherolepis at nearby sites also in Tiago County and within the Catskill Formation.  Where they are found, they are in quite profusion. But for the sake of artistic license, and since they are found in similar localities in the same formation and are roughly the same age, I mushed them together.


All of the fabric with the exceptions of the black borders and the dog ears on each square, was hand dyed fabric or hand painted.  The background blues, greens, and purples were were cut from a single piece of hand-dyed fabric.  I dyed the fabric with three colors of dye to get all of the colors.  I used turquoise, magenta and moss green.  The fish are pieces of fabric painted with Setacolor fabric paints and decorated with Micron marking pens.  I used many colors of thread in the quilting of this top.



  • Fiber Arts Fiesta Spring Show "Earth, Wind and Fiber" April 7-8 2018

  • Picturing the Past, New Mexico Museum of Natural History, Albuquerque NM. Oct. 4 2018-Jan 4, 2019

  • Threads of the Spirit 2, St Michaels and All Angles Episcopal Church, March 15-April 22, 2019


© 2021 Sally Williams and Paleofish Designs

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